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I’d like to make the people of all over the world a smiling face through my calling.

  • 2017/02/04
  • 1717view

Seira Wada

Born in Tokyo, Japan



She is 26 years old. She became a freelance photographer in 2014 with 16 years experience of photography. Her motivation is to make entire world smile. Her current works include weddings, restaurants, companies, publications, profiles, auditions, CD jackets, events (fashion shows, parties, and concerts,) interviews and nudes.


An opportunity to be a photographer

My first camera was not a digital camera but an instant camera when I was at elementary school. I loved taking pictures and it did not changed after I grew up. As a college student, I decided to be a photographer and I have been pursuing my career ever since! I truly believe that “being a photographer” is my ideal job.


Her wishes to convey through current activities

“Good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile.”
I would like to provide smiles and inspirations to the world. Throughout my work, I always think of world piece with full of smiles.
I would be so glad if people are inspired and energized by my photographs. People say laughter affects your health. Let’s challenge various things with a healthy body and enjoy happy life. I will continue to be a cheerful photographer with lots of smiles on my face.


Her way of hospitality

To create a place in which people feel at home with natural compassions.
I try to make people comfortable by watching my word and action. I would like to create and provide my own way of inspirations using what I was inspired by other people.

Facebook page of Seira Wada★.

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